Shoshana Lipson is the president of Hope in Pain, Inc. and the founder and Executive Director of Migraine Meanderings (a DBA of Hope in Pain) and Hope for Migraine community. She is a patient advocate, speaker, and writer with a passion to encourage, support, educate and inspire people with migraine to find purpose and value in the midst of chronic illness, and not give up hope. She has been living with migraine disease for most of her life as well as other comorbid conditions. Shoshana has a BDiv from Aberdeen University, Scotland, with post-graduate work in psychology, counseling and non-profit management. After having to stop full-time work in 2014, she started exploring how to use her non-profit and public speaking experience to help with migraine advocacy.
Shoshana has a passion to touch people who are struggling with the physical and emotional effects of migraine through authentic and real-life sharing. Since 2018 she has built an online community of over 20,000 members on social media. Shoshana collaborates with various advocacy organization such as the Coalition for Headache and Migraine Patients (CHAMP) and the Headache and Migraine Policy Forum, as well as other organizations and leaders who advocate for people with migraine. She is also a contributing writer for and US Pain Foundation.
Shoshana has been a speaker at several migraine and chronic pain events (e.g. the Association of Migraine Disorders Symposium, Healthy Women Roundtable, the American Journal of Managed Care, RetreatMigraine, Pharma & Patient USA, DIA Global, and the Therapeutic Pain Summit). She also consults and acts on an advisory basis for several medical device and pharmaceutical companies to help bridge the gap of communication between patients, HCPs and pharma.